Webinar – XXVIII
Date: August 21, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 to 04:05 p. m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ls1N04-KjU
Speaker Name: Mr. Bharat Jukaria and Dr. Vinod Dumblekar, India
Profile: Mr. Bharat Jukaria is a manager with over ten years of experience in marketing and sales in the healthcare sector. He is a postgraduate in business administration. He is keen to develop simulation games of social relevance for participants to learn better decision making and effective financial planning. His interests are in photography, travel, cricket and forestry.
Profile: Dr. Vinod Dumblekar designs, develops, conducts and researches business simulation and other games in his 18 year-old firm, MANTIS. The players are career managers and students of management and engineering. He has taught postgraduate students in finance, strategy and entrepreneurship courses. His continues to guide and review research, manuscripts and theses. As a member of ISAGA since 2004, he has attended seven annual conferences and three summer schools.
Abstract: We designed and developed a project simulation so that its participants could acquire a speedy understanding of the conceptual structure and processes of a project. A game is a metaphor; therefore, we studied a socially familiar phenomenon that served as our model for the simulation. The presentation will describe how we simulated a project process. The design evolved from a blend of exhaustive research, discussions with practitioners, prototyping, and our own experiences and insights. The simulation participants would play in teams of four members each. Each team would be exposed to the resources, problems and goals of the project. The participants would learn from each other while they took decisions, used their resources and reviewed their actions in the simulation. Facilitation will be concurrent to the play. This presentation will describe how the simulation was made so that it could encourage aspiring designers to build simulations for themselves.
Webinar – XXVII
Webinar Topic: “Reality–An Evolving Emergent Creation in an Increasingly Digital World"
Date: August 14, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 p.m. - 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/5VBgfsKYWqM
Speaker Name: Mr. Jawahar Bhalla, PhD Candidate, University of Adelaide and Principal Systems Engineer, Shoal Group Australia
Abstract: “We live in an increasingly interconnected socio-technical-digital construct. Technological innovation, further catalyzed by the Pandemic, is driving the migration to an increasingly virtual world. Platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn have replaced traditional means of social and professional interactions, digital currencies are on the rise, virtual gaming is viral while AI/ML/DNN are all pervasive and surreptitiously shaping our thinking and our choices. We are in the throes of the greatest societal paradigm shift in recorded history, and Systems thinking, modelling and simulation will underpin our safe passage through these fast-changing exciting yet challenging times. This presentation will look back at the advent and use of systems concepts, modelling and simulation, followed by a deeper focus in a contemporary defence context, around advances in fighter-aircraft “generations” and the associated innovations in modern-day flight and mission simulation. Concluding focus will shift to the concepts, proposing a human-centered framework to better understand ourselves.
Profile: Jawahar Bhalla is a passionate Systems professional with experience across multi-national organisations in technical and strategic leadership roles delivering complex capabilities. He contributes to the advancement of Systems Thinking, Systems Engineering and Modelling& Simulation locally and globally, through leadership roles in peak bodies including the Systems Engineering Society of Australia and Simulation Australasia. He has a BE in Aerospace Engineering and a BSc in Computer Science from UNSW, a Master’s in Systems Engineering from UNSW@ADFA and is a current iPhD candidate on an Australian Government Research Training Program, with industry partner Shoal Group, at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Webinar – XXVI
Webinar Topic: “Every game is a framegame!"
Date: August 07, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 to 04:05 p.m.(IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/wsF-lD2L8Oc
Speaker Name: Dr. Alexander Schiller, Trainer, Facilitator, Coach, Priv.-Doz. at FSU Jena, Germany
Abstract: With games, we can learn effectively concepts, procedures, skills and knowledge. All instructional games have both content and activity; a framegame is deliberately designed to allow easy loading and unloading of your own content. Framegames have four activity characteristics: Conflict, Constraint, Contrivance, and Closure. Usually, the conflict in a game takes the form of competition among players. Rules give constraints to control the players’ behavior. Further, games contain artificial elements that prevent people from taking it too seriously (contrivance). Finally, termination rules in games brings the game to closure. In instructional framegames, you can vary also Conflict, Constraint, Contrivance, and Closure to create a new learning experience. In this webinar, we will explore how every instructional game can be seen as instructional framegame. The best way to vicariously explore a framegame is to play it. Then we change content and acitivity to create a new game.
Profile: Dr. Alexander Schiller is a habilitated chemist and works now as trainer, coach and facilitator for scientists. He developed innovative academic teaching at LMU Munich (D), EPF Lausanne (CH), UC Santa Cruz (USA), and University Jena (D, “Lehr-Zertifikat Advanced”, habilitation in 2015, Venialegendi in inorganic chemistry). In addition, he is a “Certified Facilitator” and “Certified Advanced Coach” with The Thiagi Group (thiagi.com). His company, Schiller &Mertens, has trained over 11 000 scientists worldwide in hundreds of seminars, coachings, consultings and lectures since 2011 (since 2020 coach in the Planck Academy)
Webinar – XXV
Webinar Topic:Disaster Prevention and Awareness Education Using Simulation and Gaming
Date: July 24, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/RmUPq5IBPTw
Speaker Name: Toshiko Kikkawa, Professor at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract: I will demonstrate how gamification is grounded in Japanese society, especially in the field of disaster prevention and awareness. Games and game-related activities have been common and pervasive in the field, partially because of the community self-education approach for mitigating the impacts of disasters. The game “Crossroad”, a tabletop exercise, is a pioneering game that has increased awareness of the effectiveness of gamification in the field. After it gained popularity, various games were developed by ordinary people, especially those who had experienced natural disasters or are expected to be victims of future disasters. This trend is a reflection of Japan’s generally bottom-up culture. The success of the Game Market, which is held three times a year in Japan and where independent game designers develop games, shows that gamification is embedded in Japanese society. In addition to these trends, researchers and game designers have also contributed to disaster prevention and increasing awareness.
Profile: Toshiko Kikkawa, PhD is a professor at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. She is a social and organizational psychologist with expertise in simulation gaming and risk communication. She started her career as a game researcher and facilitator in 1989 and has designed many games for educational purposes since then. She is also interested in training for improving risk communication using gaming simulation. She has been the vice-chair of Japanese Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG) since 2015 and was the Executive Board member of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) from 2012 to 2016. She is the co-editor-in-chief of the international journal of Simulation and Gaming.
Webinar – XXIV
Webinar Topic: "Why do simulation and games drive the digital transformation of cities and regions?"
Date: July 10, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/YLelqzok_AE
Speaker Name:Dr. Hidehiko KANEGAE, Professor, Faculty of Policy Science, Institute of Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Abstract: In this webinar, the speaker would like to portray the perspective that the digital transformation of cities and regions is driven by the mechanisms and phenomena of simulations and gaming. The tight connection between real physical space and digital cyber space is called the digital twin, or as Kevin Kelly calls it, a Mirrorworld where the true human brain emerges in an integrated cyber-physical space, SOCIETY5.0. A statically connected three-dimensional cyber-physical integrated space requires dynamic behaviors and activities driven by the rules and regulations of a simulated or gamified society, as shown in the following presentation agenda:
Profile: Hidehiko KANEGAE Ph.D., Faculty of Policy Science, Institute of Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. 4th industrial revolution special committee member, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2018-2021). ISAGA-EB (2017-2021) and ISAGA-President (2015-2016), JASAG President (2017- 2021), Vice President (2019-2021) of The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) /Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and Japan National Delegation (2015-2018) of International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP). Major works: Planner training gaming simulation for regional sustainable development and planning Exercise Program that is published “INTEGRATED GLOBAL MODELS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”- Vol. II, UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, http://www.eolss.net/outlinecomponents/Integrated-Global-Models-Sustainable- Development.aspx https://www.linkedin.com/in/drhkanegaeruoic8511
Webinar – XXIII
Webinar Topic: "An Online Driver Hazard Perception Training Course: Applying Simulation Fidelity and Games”
Date: June 26, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/FrY_8UMqFQU
Speaker Name: Professor Marcus Watson, Honorary Professor, Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences, University of Queensland
Abstract: Driving accidents are rare; however, the consequences may be dramatic. Decades of evidence have shown that training the technical skills of driving does not significantly reduce road accidents. What is required is the development of the driver’s situational awareness to predict the future state, based on the comprehension of the observed environment and events. The University of Queensland team has produced an online program that delivers the equivalent of 1000 years of driver experience in 3 hours. Professor Watson will discuss the use of the knowledge elicitation techniques; the fidelity requirements; the application of cognitive learning theory and gamification, which underpin the program. He will also discuss how the choice of simulations methods and gamification motivates learning at the same time as addressing the accessibility of the training at an affordable cost. This will be supported with a synopsis of the empirical findings and discussion on the implication for training.
Profile: Marcus is an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences, at The University of Queensland where he leads research on human factors, education, and design. He has extensive knowledge of simulations and is a national leader in simulation-based research. He has delivered keynotes, plenaries and workshops including simulations development, serious games, online learning, and human factors in healthcare. He has extensive experience as a developer and instructor working with computer-based simulation, high end immersive simulation, serious games, and distributed learning. He has received national awards for innovation based on his work in simulation.
Webinar – XXII
Webinar Topic: "Gaming and simulation: Bridging research and teaching for sustainable development”
Date: June 19, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/drDRFrjpQqo
Speaker Name: Dr. Pongchai Dumrongrojwatthana, Ph.D. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University,
Abstract: Sustainable development, dealing with environment, social and economic aspects, has been increasingly important in university research and academic curriculum. Bridging on-ground research and teaching via learning by doing is important to prepare students to work on sustainable development in the real world. This webinar will discuss the use of gaming and simulations as learning tools to bridge research and teaching. Three gaming simulations, i) Green Roof Game, ii) Sathing Phra Millionaire Game, and iii) Soil Quality Assessment Game are presented. These games deal with ecosystem service of green roof in urban area, environmental problems in a rainfed lowland rice-sugar palm cultural agroforestry system, and soil conservation in a forest-agro ecosystem, respectively. The iterative and evolving process between classroom and field work is discussed. These case studies demonstrate that it is not difficult to adopt gaming simulations and for students to obtain diverse learning outcomes. Keywords: gaming simulation, learning, sustainable development, university research
Profile: Dr. Pongchai Dumrongrojwatthana is a lecturer-researcher at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He is an ecologist. His research fields are Integrated Renewable Resource Management using gaming and simulation and Urban Ecology. He has conducted gaming and simulation sessions with diverse group of stakeholders in several renewable resource issues, such as community forest management in Northern Thailand, blue-swimming crab and by-catch management at Kung Kra Baen Bay, Eastern Thailand, rainfed lowland rice landscape and melaleuca forest management in Southern Thailand, agricultural soil management in many areas in Thailand, adaptive water management in Lao PDR, and wetland management in Mekong region.
Webinar – XXI
Webinar Topic: "Digital Game-Based Learning”
Date: June 12, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/JqBnh4dnOrY
Speaker Name: Dr. Marcin Wardaszko, Ph.D.
Abstract: The simulation gaming is present in the digital space for quite some time, but the evidence of the effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) with usage of the different technologies are still sketchy. The rise of the pandemic speeded up the process of digitalization of many games with different results. In the webinar, I will talk about the opportunities and threats of simulation game design with technology in mind. I will use our own case-studies and analyze them looking at the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies for DGBL. I will focus on learning models, complexity design, validity and testing, and delivery of simulation games in digital spaces. We will talk about learning effectiveness and future technology for DGBL. In my talk, I will touch on the evolution of the digital gaming space from online simulation games to the mobile gaming and also VR and AR for simulation gaming.
Profile: Dr. Marcin Wardaszko is Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Technology at Kozminski University and Adjunct Professor at University of Applied Science Vorarlberg. Collaborating Partner at HCD Learning Ltd, Shanghai, China. Since 2003 trainer and developer of simulation games and gamification systems for education, business and consulting. Author of many publication on games based learning and serious game design. Passionate game designer, author and co-author around 60 scientific publications. Fellow at ABSEL and President of ISAGA (2019-2020) and Member of SAGSAGA. Laureate of the CEEMAN 2019 Champion in Teaching Award for innovative VR game based learning program.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcin-wardaszko-b9b4a31/Webinar – XX
Webinar Topic: "Student Power to Accelerate your Simulation Gaming”
Date: June 05, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ls1N04-KjU
Speaker Name: Dr. Ryoju Hamada, Visiting Associate Professor at Kumamoto University, Japan
Abstract: When we develop a new Simulation Gaming, everyone wishes it works well. Compare with conventional one-way lectures; it is true Gaming has a magical power to promote learning. It accompanies great fun, joy, and communication while achieving learning objectives. However, in many cases, once Simulation Gaming is used, it is a moment to adjourn a game-based community. Within students who have just played the game, there might be marvelous ideas to improve the game. By engaging such motivated students, BASE, the speaker's Project to develop, operate, improve, and spread business games in higher education, has successfully created 19 types of simulation gaming over a decade. Saying in other words, Student-Teacher Collaboration is the useful way to make your Gaming more attractive. In this lecture, the speaker aims to explain those students' fantastic efforts in BASE Project, manage such community, and advise the audience to bring out students' talents.
Profile: The speaker is one of the opinion leaders in simulation gaming-related academic community. He and his BASE project members started to develop business game in 2007 to utilize it as a part of entrepreneurship education in Tohoku University, Japan, and Thammasat University, Thailand. He hosted the ISAGA2018 with 160 participants from 21 countries. He worked as the President of ISAGA from 2018 to 2019. Currently, he serves at the National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College, Hokkaido, Japan, as a Professor. He is an academic chair and vice president of JASAG, also serving to ABSEL as a Ready-to-Play track Chair.
Webinar – XIX
Webinar Topic: "Simulation Games through Virtual Worlds in Education”
Date: May 29, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-W0NX0kx2I
Speaker Name: Dr. Ramesh Sharma,
Abstract: Simulation games using virtual worlds have high pedagogical significance in education Virtual worlds are computer generated simulated space where the users interact with each using using an avatar, carry out activities and transactions, depending upon the kind of virtual world it is. Some of the examples of virtual worlds are Secondlife, Virbela, The Sims, Active Worlds, Kaneva, IMVU etc. These virtual worlds act as immersive environments where the students engage themselves in simulated conditions. Virtual worlds have been reported to enhance students' engagement and learning by reducing the cognitive load to process the information for the participants. The students can learn about concepts here by living them. They can transport themselves to new locations and learn by discovering things on their own. There are further benefits of adopting virtual worlds in education, like: no need for physical travel by people, reduction in performance anxiety, allowing synchronous and asynchronous communication, collaboration and cooperation on a project. We can create an exact replica of real world in virtual spaces for example, an university, a museum or a fort etc. These serve a great purpose as the constructionist paradigm where we can base our experiences on situated learning theory. Virtual worlds are highly interactive in terms of speed, range and mapping. Theory of cognitive fit has significant impact on the learning outcomes as users can make use of the senses of vision and sound. Task-Technology fit is quite high in virtual worlds as the sense of vision, orientation, sound creates an immersive environment enabling higher learning outcomes. This presentation will discuss various types of simulation games using virtual worlds and how these can contribute to higher learning attainments.
Keywords: Simulation Games, Second-Life, Virbela, Immersive experience, Constructionism, Virtual worldsProfile: Dr Ramesh Sharma teaches Instructional Design at Ambedkar University Delhi, India. Earlier he has taught Educational Technology and Learning Resources at Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. He is an expert in simulation games, open and distance and technology mediated learning. His team has got a patent on “Museu Virtual Teatro São João” from the Federal Republic of Brazil. This simulation game was created as RPG. He has served as a visiting Professor at Universidade do Estado da Bahia, UNEB, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, visiting Professor at University of Fiji, Fiji, Commonwealth of Learning as Director of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, Regional Director of Indira Gandhi National Open University, India and Director of Distance Education at University of Guyana, Guyana, South America. He had been a member of Advisory Group on Human Resources Development for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). While at University of Guyana he also collaborated with UNDP for its Enhanced Public Trust, Security and Inclusion (EPTSI) project, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) and United Nations Volunteer (UNV) to develop suitable educational opportunities for communities and youth. He is editing Asian Journal of Distance Education since 2003 and has been associated with several other peer reviewed journals including SSCI / SCOPUS Journals as Reviewer, Editor and Editorial Advisory Board member in the field of Open and Distance Learning.
Webinar – XVIII
Webinar Topic: "Gaming-Simulations to Design Better Public-Policy”
Date: May 22, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NQYkNze6V0A
Speaker Name: Bharath Palavalli, Co-Founder at Fields of View and Ashoka Fellow Bangalore Urban, Karnataka, India
Abstract: The talk will focus on the use of gaming-simulations in the world of public-policy. Often, gaming-simulations are used in the space of learning and training, both as a classroom training tool and as special aids for specialised audience who require specific training. However, gaming-simulations provide an environment that is amenable to use in public policy. Well-designed gaming-simulations can reduce entry barriers in public policy and allow people from diverse backgrounds interact through the game, thereby greatly increasing inclusion and participation in public policy. The “sandbox” environment of gaming-simulations allows participants to explore, fail and therefore test various strategies that is a critical element to both eliminate undesired consequences and at the same time arrive at mutually agreeable formulations of policies. The complexity in public policy is discussed as a class of problems widely known as ‘wicked problems’. In such a multi-stakeholder situation, all of our preferences and biases are either not captured in policy formulation or are misrepresented due to reasons arising from lack of methods to capture these needs, to the inability to comprehend these needs. Gaming-simulations bridge this gap by allowing these preferences, biases and needs to be captured and then used in the policy formulation process. In this talk, I will draw upon a decade of work by Fields of View in the Indian context in the areas in the areas of poverty, transport, energy, disaster management and urban planning to talk about the use of gamin-simulation as tools in public policy.
Profile: Bharath M. Palavalli researches and designs tools such as games and simulations to help make better public policy. For nurturing this innovative idea of designing tools and methods to allow different stakeholders to collaborate on creating relevant and usable policy, Bharath was elected to the prestigious Ashoka Fellowship in 2018. His current work focuses on policy design and planning in the context of developing countries.
Webinar – XVII
Webinar Topic: "The Art of Facilitation”
Date: May 15, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/wypc6lBsDO0
Speaker Name: Claudia M Schmitz, Owner, Cenandu Learning Agency, Germany, Advisory Board Member of SAGSAGA, Member of ISAGA, Claudia Schmitz is a practitioner and likes to inspire you to become a facilitator.
Abstract: A facilitator is the master of large group learning. Some use games or simulations for a purpose and it becomes a guided process. For a facilitator it is important that the participants get into the game, enjoy it and reach a flow and play “without” the facilitator. But the experience is only successful, when they see the relevance to their reality and have the will to take leanings home and implement them. Facilitation sometimes is more the ART of a magician than of an academic teacher or consultant. There is always the dilemma: If you offer too much details and information, you ruin the game. If you stick too much to the structure of the game and behave like a referee in a football game, you miss the point. They enjoy the game, but where is the learning? The facilitator needs to feel and sense the moment and give space for the participants for their view. It is an act of balancing. The way a facilitator designs a workshop with a game shapes the behavior of participants, while at other points the facilitator needs to adapt the design spontaneously in order to respond to the group. Listen to the participants and their needs is the mindset.
Profile: Claudia is founder of Cenandu Learning Agency in Cologne in 2002, a company with focus on facilitation of strategic business simulations she licenses from the Swedish Company Celemi in Malmö. Claudia works in co-operation with several consultancies and training companies who like simulations for their clients. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: Studies of Geography, Sociology and Anthropology in Cologne, Claudia worked in the field of Public Relations and Corporate Communication for nearly 15 years. From Automotive to Waste-Management, from Banking to Telecommunication – the field was wide. 1999 she became Facilitator of board games with Celemi, a Swedish Company who designs learning in organizations at their office in Belgium.) After 9/11 she founded her own company Cenandu learning Agency in Germany in 2002, using the simulations for her workshops. She enlarged her facilitation knowledge with more leanings around large group intervention, systemic consulting, cultural analysis, deep facilitation and personality types. Claudia works with large companies, most of them in the Tech Sector. She works with corporate development in change programs and is specialised in finance topics and business mindset. Beside all business she has a strong Non-Profit Engagement: Member of the management network EWMD since 1991 and Member and board advisor of SAGA Simulation and Gaming Association since 2005. Since 2020, she has been involved in a local organisation that supports biodiversity and fruit trees.
Webinar – XVI
Webinar Topic: "360-degree Immersive Technologies for Medical Simulation, Digital Therapeutics and Clinical Education and Training”
Date: May 08 , 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/vgm0TtevmBU
Speaker Name: David Wortley,
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of consumer 360-degree technologies for a whole spectrum of clinical applications and medical practitioners seek to overcome the challenge of delivering high quality healthcare remotely. Simulation and serious games play an important role in not only developing the skills needed in today’s high-pressure environment but also, increasingly, in preventative healthcare and digital therapeutics. This presentation explores how 360 degree consumer technologies are being applied to tackle medical training and education at scale through hyper-realistic virtual, augmented and mixed reality devices, including the Hololens and consumer VR devices such as the Oculus Quest. It will also illustrate examples of how serious games can tackle the global problem of lifestyle related medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes and certain mental health conditions.
Profile: David Wortley is a Vice President of the International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM), CEO & Founder of 360in360 Immersive Experiences and former Founder Director of the Serious Games Institute (SGI). His involvement in the use of serious games and simulation for education and training began over 40 years ago when he was a management tutor at the Post Office Management Training College in the UK. Since then, he has pioneered the use of digital communications technologies and helped to establish serious games and simulation initiatives in Singapore, Malaysia (at University Putra Malaysia), Thailand (through Thaisim), Korea and China. As the Founding Director of the Serious Games Institute (SGI), he led the establishment of the SGI as an international centre of excellence and global thought leader in both serious games and immersive environments, launching the SGI in 2007 with a hybrid conference accessible both physically and virtually. Today, David has over 23,000 360-degree images on Google Street View with over 100 million views of these images.
Webinar – XV
Webinar Topic: "Business Games: Powerful Tools to Develop Mindset for Future of Work”
Date: May 01 , 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Z830NPKHC7M
Speaker Name: Dr. Bhimaraya Metri, Prof Bhimaraya Metri, Dean of Strathclyde SKIL Business School
Abstract: The world of work is changing due to digital disruption. Adapting to this new way of working is important for businesses to grow and stay globally competitive. The future belongs to liquid workforce with exclusively human skills like creativity, curiosity, enthusiasm, leadership, empathy and compassion. Business games and simulations are powerful tools to acquire such skills to build capabilities and develop the mindset to lead the roles in future businesses. The presentation, firstly, focuses on business games and simulations as an emerging pedagogical tool with great impact in management education Secondly, it focuses on applications of games to develop the mindset in addition to improving motivation, engagement, and the learning experience. Thirdly, it describes the key benefits. Finally, it recommends that business games and simulations are the way forward to lead the unknown roles in business of the future.
Profile: Director at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur. Earlier, he was the Director at IIM Tiruchirappalli. He has held Dean positions at leading management institutes. He received his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and is a member of Decision Sciences Institute, USA. He has served on the editorial boards of journals, and has held leadership roles in professional associations. Deeply committed to executive education, he has taught management courses, advocated simulation games as a learning pedagogy, and conducted professional programmes for Board of Directors, Vice Chancellors, Senior Executives, Government Officials in more than 60 countries.
Webinar – XIV
Webinar Topic: "Simulations and Training Games through Live Online Delivery”
Date: April 24, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNXPKeSbXew
Speaker Name: Dr. Sivasailam Thiagarajan (“Thiagi”),
Abstract: We have been designing and delivering simulations and training games for face-to-face play during the past 50 years. For the past 15 years, we have delivered simulations and games through live online platforms. Based on our field research in 26 different countries, we have designed, field tested, and published a set of techniques called Live Online Learning Activities (LOLA) for delivering gaming simulation through webinar platforms. In this hands-on session, Thiagi will introduce you to 22 different categories of online simulations and take you through a specific activity of your choice. At the end of the session, you will be able to design and deliver simulations and games through any webinar platform. Your new skills will be supported by two books and hundreds of online resources.
Profile: Sivasailam Thiagarajan (“Thiagi”) has been designing and delivering interactive training workshops in 52 locations around the world. For the past 15 years, he has been working on live online training. He is the author of 40 books and the designer of hundreds of simulations and games including the award-winning cross-cultural simulation, BARNGA. Thiagi has been the seven-time president of the North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) and two-time president of International Society for Performance and Instruction (ISPI). He has presented several keynotes at ISAGA and is a member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH).
Webinar – XIII
Webinar Topic: "Designing Simulation Games: Trade-offs between Realism, Fidelity, and Abstraction”
Date: April 17, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/OWP8JCLieUU
Speaker Name: Dr. Jayanth Raghothama
Abstract: Simulations and games are powerful tools to understand, describe and intervene in real world settings. However, their design and development involve difficult trade-offs and design decisions with respect to their representation of the real world, around the dimensions of realism, fidelity, and abstraction. These essentially deal with the questions of: what do you include in your model and game, how detailed should these elements be, and how should your player interact with these elements? Making the wrong choice(s) with these dimensions could be the difference between an effective game session and a bad one. For games to be able to contribute to tangible outcomes, ideally within the time frame of a gaming session, the architecture and form of the game must address these trade-offs. Through a few examples in urban planning, strategic decision making and systems modeling, this talk will elaborate on these trade-offs and provide insights on how to design effective games.
Profile: Jayanth is Assistant Professor or Health Care Logistics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He works on developing systems models, simulations, and games of and within large complex systems, to design and develop interventions and programs in an inter-disciplinary and holistic way. He also co-ordinates Digitalization research within the university. Prior to his PhD at the same university, he worked for CSTEP, a non-profit policy research organization in India, and in the software industry. He has over ten years of experience in building models, small and large, covering simulations, games, and artificial intelligence and in applying them in real-world decision-making settings.
Webinar – XII
Webinar Topic: "The history of simulation/games and what it denotes to serious gaming, gamification, and learning with games movements.”
Date: March 13, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/kYcxW-XxxzU
Speaker Name: Dr. Tuomas Harviainen, Associate Professor of Information Practices at Tampere University, Finland
Abstract: In this webinar, I delve info the ways in which the learning potential of games keeps being re-discovered. I draw early examples from military and medical simulation, then move to games in mathematics and operational planning, from which in many ways arose the pre-ISAGA community. Finally I will talk about dissonances between simulation/gaming, gamification designers, the Serious Games Movement, and Game-Based Learning. I conclude with positive examples of how the groups are now finding each other more and more often – and why they are doing so.
Profile: Tuomas Harviainen, PhD, MBA is Associate Professor of Information Practices at Tampere University, Finland He is a former co-editor of Simulation & Gaming and an ISAGA Advisory Board member. Harviainen’s work spans several disciplines, and has been published in channels such as Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Documentation, and Games and Culture.
Webinar – XI
Webinar Topic: "Gaming Simulation Design for Education and Social Impact”
Date: February 20, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/cUXYUr2oOws
Speaker Name: Dr. Willy Kriz, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Department of Management and Social Sciences Hochschulstr, Dornbirn, Austria
Abstract: Klabbers (2003, 2018) has pointed out that researchers, designers and facilitators who are contributing to the field of gaming simulation may represent two distinct branches of science: the design sciences and the analytical sciences. In this presentation I will discuss different forms of applications of gaming simulation (Kriz, 2017). I will use several case examples of simulation games that I have designed – e.g. SysTeamsChange® and KIKAtopia – to show how a simulation game artifact can be used for a variety of facets within the science of design approach with the focus of creating social impact (Kriz & Manahl, 2018). Additionally I will show how methods of gaming simulation design can be implemented for an innovative university curriculum (Kriz, 2003). The design of simulation game prototypes is part of the didactic approach and the framework of game development by Duke & Geurts (2004) is used. The presentation will explain the main phases and steps of this approach of simulation game design. Some examples of outcomes will support a deeper understanding of the methodology of “gaming simulation” for education (Duke & Kriz, 2014).
Profile: Willy Christian KRIZ, born 1968, earned his PhD 1999 in Psychology from University of Vienna. He is full professor for Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Change Management at the FHV, Austria. He is working as a researcher, lecturer, trainer, consultant and designer with different forms of simulations and games for a whole range of purposes, including education in systems-management, personnel and team development and senior management training, facilitation of organizational change processes and support of managerial decision‐making. He is author of 15 books and about 200 papers and received 4 best paper awards. He has presented more than 150 papers and keynotes at conferences worldwide. He is founder and was 15 years chairman of SAGSAGA (Swiss Austrian German Simulation and Gaming Association), and 2004/2005 and 2014/2015 president of ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association), he organized two ISAGA conferences, he is founder and was 10 years director of the annual ISAGA Summer School on game design. From 2016-2020 he was editor in chief of the Journal Simulation & Gaming (Sage) and is jury member for the German Gaming Award. As researcher he works on the theory-based evaluation of gaming simulation effects. He was for example 2003-2005 scientific director of a European Union Project within the Leonardo-da-Vinci Program: “The Simulation of Economic Processes and Decision Making as a Training Module”. 2007-2012 he was head of evaluation of the annual “exist-PriME-cup” (a national management and entrepreneurship gaming simulation contest for students of more than 150 participating German universities) for the German Ministry of Technology and Economy. Further research projects are for example “Realtime Business Simulations” for the German Ministry of Economy. Dr. Kriz has also years of practical experience. He is working as consultant and trainer in continuing education and business. He completed more than 200 assignments especially in gaming/simulation-based organizational development and leadership projects. He has designed several gamified education and training programs, system-dynamics models and scenarios, simulation games for general management, project management, change management, systems-thinking, HRM and leadership, sales and business ethics. 2016 a simulation and game-based personnel development program that he designed together with Dr. Schmidt and riva training & consulting for Allianz AG (sales force and insurance consulting service) received the “Innoward” award of the German insurance industry. Together with Dr. Eberle, several German schools and KIKA (German Children’s Television Channel of Germany’s public-service broadcasters) he developed 2018 a simulation game „Future of Living together in Germany“. The development and play of the game was broadcasted nationwide as a documentary and educational game kits are available free of charge for school education programs.